General Race Rules 

Heat and lane change durations
Heats will be three minutes in length, with two-minute lane change segments between heats.

Spray glue
Spray glue (only) will be applied by the Track Owner/Race Director; ideally, this will occur prior to the track opening for practice on race day, but the timing us ultimately up to the Track Owner/Race Director. No glue or traction additive of any kind may be applied to the track surface by anyone other than the Track Owner/Race Director.

Traction additives and tire conditioners
Traction and tire conditioners may be used, but only if applied directly to the rear tires by hand or from a glue board; they may not be applied to the track surface.

Track calls 
Track calls may be called by the Race Director, racers, and/or turn marshals as they believe necessary, but the Race Director makes the final decision at his/her discretion.

As before, and conforming to what seems to be standard practice at most tracks:
• track calls may be extended briefly at the Race Director’s discretion so that a marshal(s) can straighten a car’s body or braid prior to the resumption of racing; 
• track calls may not be extended to effect repairs (e.g., replacement of broken, missing, or loose parts).

Lane cards 
Lane cards must be used during lane change segments. The only exception is if the racer is working on his/her car at the track, and at the point it stopped at the end of the preceding heat. It is not intended that there will be any penalty assessed for such an infraction, but if repeated infractions warrant, penalties will be announced prior to assessment

Tech Inspection.

Inspection will be conducted as it traditionally has been to ensure that each car presented conforms to these rules and specifications. 

Once a car has cleared tech, it will be impounded until qualifying and again after qualifying. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the Race Director, but any car removed from impound must again go through tech.

Failure at tech inspection
The racer of a car found illegal at tech inspection will be advised of the issue and will have until the end of the tech period to correct the issue. As before, if the issue is corrected in a timely manner and to the satisfaction of the Tech Inspector, the car may be entered and raced as normal.
• If the issue is corrected but not in time for qualifying, the car will be seeded last in the field. 
• If the issue cannot be corrected prior to the start of the race, the car may be raced if both the Tech Inspector and Race Director agree that the illegal issue presents no clear advantage, and under the following conditions:
o While its racer will be eligible for race awards (box plates/plaques), no points will be earned by a car raced in this condition; all racers finishing the race below such a car will be awarded an additional point(s) towards series-end points standings. 
o If the racer elects not to race the car, his/her entry fee will be refunded.
Exceptions: If left uncorrected, a car that failed tech due to any of the following conditions may not be raced (the racer’s entry fee will be refunded):
o insufficient track clearance
o non-allowable motor (other than non-rebuildable motors similar to those that are legal, such as the Trinity Evil 9 and Fast Ones Demon)
o any non-allowable chassis

o use of floating pin-tube body mountings
o non-approved body with apparent aero advantage.

.Qualifying, Mains, and Lane Selections.

Qualifying will be one minute per racer, with a 30-second break before the next qualifier. After qualifying, each car will be returned to impound.

If entries for a given category total (New)12 or fewer, a single round-robin Main with sit-outs will be run. (Exception: At the Race Director’s discretion, A and B Mains can be run.)

If there are more than 12 entries, separate mains will be based on an A-B split; odd-number qualifiers (TQ, 3rd, 5th, 7th, etc.) will go to the A Main; even-numbered qualifiers (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, etc.) will go to the B main. 

For an entry total of 13-20 racers, A and B Mains will be run with numbers of racers split as evenly as possible between them, as in these examples:
• 13 racers: A Main of 6 racers, B Main of 7 racers; 
• 14 racers: A and B Mains of 7 racers each; etc. through
• 20 racers: A and B Mains of 10 racers each.

In a hoped-for but unlikely scenario where there are more than 20 entries, the Race Director will have the discretion to determine whether A and B Mains will be expanded beyond 10 racers each, or whether a C Main will be created using the examples above. For example, at his/her discretion the Race Director may split Mains as follows:
• A Main of 10 racers, B Main of 11 racers; or
• A, B, and C Mains of 7 racers each; or
• other algorithm he/she deems most efficient.

Lane Selections
Lane selections in each main will be made after qualifying in the same order as seedings.

A racer need not make a qualifying attempt in order to race. A racer who does not make a qualifying attempt for any reason (e.g., late arrival, making repairs) will be seeded in the Main(s) after all racers who have made qualifying attempts have been seeded; if there is more than one such case, they will be seeded in the order their cars were presented for tech.

A car not entered may not be raced. That is, no allowance will be made in this regard for a racer whose entered car has been damaged too badly to continue and who wishes to run another car “for track time.” 

.Final Race Standings.

If more than one round-robin race is conducted, lap totals from both (or all) Mains will be combined to determine the overall finishing order for the category.